Richard Vitaly
[Establishing Relay Operating Buddy: Electronic Voice Agent database uplink. Please standby.] [Alert. Higher security clearance needed. Proceeding to basic dossier.] An identified Vulpine that is under the protection of various mercenary forces of Lylat due to his tactical prowess. Taken in initially by the Cornerian Guardians as an unidentified distant Simian cousin, he proved to be an asset due to his guidance even in a foreign environment. After another instance of the Lylat Wars with the resurfacing of Andross and the Aparoids as one massive threat, he was reidentified to the Vulpine in the image, however transformation processes are highly classified. [Alert. Further information has been denied by ROB:EVA. Database uplink terminated.]

Birthday February 26
Pronouns He/Him, but doesn't mind from neutral terms.
Goals Explore the self the greatest way he can.
Likes Talking about his interests and listening to others' interests; Coffee; Cooking food
Dislikes Decisions that allow opponents to snowball back; Miscommunications; Questionable ethics

  • Updated PNG pic by Xeon Aloy (FB),
  • Twitch pfp by @RhenOutOfTime (to be updated)
  • Twitch cover photo by Heroforge
  • Twitter account pfp by
  • Bluesky pfp by Nintendo
  • Overlays, BG and assets by me
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